
Arianna Nutt

Arianna started in comedy in 2012, and soon after won a comedy contest and joined the cast of “Humor de Salto Alto”, the country’s first all-female comedy group. On Comedy Central, she appeared in the program “Drunk History – A História Bêbada”, in addition to being part of the cast of República do Stand Up for 6 years. Still on Comedy Central, Arianna is part of the cast of the show “A Culpa É Da Carlota”, which is in its third season. She was a finalist in the segment “Quem Chega Lá” on Domingão do Faustão and the winner of the Joke Battle segment on the show “The Noite”. Arianna was an actor in the series “Emergente Como a Gente” and later in “This is Very My Life”, alongside Ane Freitas. Arianna won the Revelation Comedian Award at the Risadaria Festival, and she is currently performing her solo show “De Repente 40”.